by Serena O'Sullivan | Aug 29, 2019 | Blog, What We're Reading
Serena O'Sullivan Uncivil comments taint people’s perception of a news site. They also make moderators more emotionally exhausted and less likely to trust said news outlet, researchers with UT Austin found. Moderating Uncivil Comments Hurts Trust In...
by Serena O'Sullivan | Aug 5, 2019 | Blog, What We're Reading
Serena O'Sullivan A new study notes Middle Eastern participants are more confident in identifying misinformation, but there was no significant difference in how people verified information. Youthquakes in a Post-Truth Era: Exploring Social Media News Use and...
by Serena O'Sullivan | Jul 25, 2019 | Blog, What We're Reading
Serena O'Sullivan Although many Moroccan secondary school teachers want to teach their students media literacy, educators cite limited training and materials as huge hurdles. Media Literacy Education in Secondary School: Teachers’ Attitudes By Hanae Ait...
by Serena O'Sullivan | Jul 16, 2019 | Blog, What We're Reading
Researchers say “fake news” is more defined by partisanship and identity politics than deception and misinformation. Fake News as Discursive Integration: An Analysis of Sites That Publish False, Misleading, Hyperpartisan and Sensational Information...
by Serena O'Sullivan | Jul 9, 2019 | Blog, Education, What We're Reading
A Bradley University professor found librarianship academic articles were less likely to be critical of misinformation on social media than journalism academic articles. Calling out fake news on social media: a comparison of literature in librarianship and...